Arnaud’s parakeet

Welcome to my kitchen!
Well, well, well, I’m a blogger… Now, for the ones who know me, this might be a bit scary, but I hope that you, dear ALK friends, will find some of my musings amusing.
So please, do come aboard this rambling train of thoughts, as I fear this will not be the ordered, sophisticated medium I had in mind before starting it. Never mind, we cannot all be Prousts, Hugos or Flauberts…
However, I am sure that through this blog, you will learn very quickly what Arnaud’s Language Kitchen is all about, as I will make sure to share it all with you. I aim to keep you entertained, give you an insight into what makes me tick, and most of all to give you an idea of what it will be like to come to my kitchen for a few lessons, a chat and a piece of cake. So I do hope I can convince you take the plunge and book yourself onto one of my courses. Oh, and do bring a friend or two!
Happy reading.