07 Feb


I am in the process of writing volume two of tALK French, the ALK course book, and the Académie Française drops this bombshell on us all, French lovers, teachers and learners alike. To be fair, it’s been over two decades in the coming, but a ‘progressive’ culture minister has finally decided to act upon the edict of the Immortals.

Well, excuse me, august Académie members, and Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, but some of those changes are stupid. I grant you, getting rid of the hyphen in portmanteaux words, like weekend and portemonnaie, is not a bad thing, but losing the ‘i’ in oignon or ‘simplifying’ nénuphar into nénufar is ludicrous, and the allowed loss of my beloved circumflex on SOME letters and in SOME words but not others is bordering on the insane!

You, dear friends and readers, know that here at ALK HQ, we don’t deal in politics, so I will not wade into that side of the debate. My ‘beef’ is purely as a lover of the French language, where this thorny issue is seen from the point of view of someone who has made it his job to teach others the intricacies of said language in such a way that they become interesting and intriguing.

To me, the circumflex is in itself a beautiful remnant of changes long adopted, an echo of a lost ‘s’, and learning when to use it is hardly a big deal. It only affects a few words and even changes the meaning of some, like sur and sûr, which is why the Académie is not getting rid of it completely. In fact, you can continue to spell those words ‘the old way’, but teachers are told to teach the new way, too. How is that making things easier? And I’m sorry, but I cannot think of any way in which this is not a silly dumbing down of the beautiful rules governing French grammar and orthography.

I cannot but agree with Anne-Elisabeth Moutet writing in The Daily Telegraph on February 6th: “Tinkering with such a long-developing organic structure for the sake of facility is not just stupid: it is ugly, actively evil.” So worry not, Anne-Elisabeth (I hope you’re not getting rid of your hyphen!?), they’ll have to go through me before they get to you.



J’écris en ce moment même le deuxième volume de tALK French, le livre de cours d’ALK, et l’Académie Française lâche une bombe sur nous tous, enseignants, étudiants et amoureux de la langue. Pour être tout à fait honnête, cela fait plus de vingt ans qu’elle nous menaçait, mais une ministre de l’éducation nationale ‘progressiste’ a finalement décidé de s’occuper du décret des Immortels.

Et bien, je suis désolé, augustes membres de l’Académie, et Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, mais certains de ces changements sont stupides. Je vous l’accorde, se débarrasser du trait d’union dans les mots-valises (ha ha!), comme weekend et portemonnaie, n’est pas une mauvaise chose, mais perdre le ‘i’ dans oignon ou ‘simplifier’ nénuphar en nénufar est ridicule, et avec la perte sanctionnée de mon circonflexe adoré sur CERTAINES lettres et dans CERTAINS mots mais pas d’autres, on approche la folie pure!

Vous, chers amis et lecteurs, savez qu’ici, au QG d’ALK, on ne fait pas de politique, alors je m’en mêlerai pas. Le ‘problème’ est purement vu par un amoureux de la langue française, toute compliquée qu’elle soit, où ce problème épineux affecte quelqu’un dont le boulot est de l’enseigner aux autres d’une telle façon qu’elle devient intéressante et particulière.

Pour moi, l’accent circonflexe est en lui-même un charmant vestige de changements adoptés il y a longtemps, un echo d’un ‘s’ disparu, et apprendre quand l’utiliser n’est vraiment pas difficile. Il n’affecte que quelques mots et change même le sens de certains, comme sur et sûr, ce qui explique pourquoi l’Académie ne s’en débarrasse pas complètement. En fait, vous pouvez continuer à utiliser ‘la vieille façon’, mais les profs doivent aussi accepter la nouvelle façon d’écrire les choses. Comment cela rend-il la chose plus facile? Et je suis désolé, mais je n’arrive pas à trouver en quoi tout ceci n’est pas un nivellement par le bas des belles règles qui gouvernent la grammaire et l’orthographe françaises.

Je ne peux qu’être d’accord avec Anne-Elisabeth Moutet, qui écrit dans The Daily Telegraph du 6 février: “Bricoler avec une telle structure organique et au développement long au nom de la facilité n’est pas simplement stupide: c’est moche, proprement malfaisant.” Alors ne vous en faites pas, Anne-Elisabeth (j’espère que vous ne perdrez pas votre trait d’union!?), ils devront passer par-dessus mon cadavre encore chaud pour vous atteindre.

11 Nov

The FlashSticks wonder

You, assiduous readers, will remember that the Lime on a Bike had the pleasure to meet the enthusiastic (and oh so young!) FlashSticks people during the Language Show Live in London not too long ago. Aside from meeting the team, it was also the perfect occasion to talk about the launch of their new app, which I had the pleasure to test for them. So the least I can do now is to let you have my thoughts on this clever fusion of low and high technology.
Let’s start with the ‘low-tech’ end of the FlashSticks experience. The urge to place those sticky notes all over the place as you open the pack is too hard to resist, as you can see. Colour coded blue for masculine and pink for feminine nouns, they help you juggle the trickiest aspect of French by helping you remember the gender of things, and the green-coded verbs and adjectives are terrifically helpful too!
But onwards to the marvels of technology. Download the app and MAGIC! Those notes come to life: hover your phone over them and a member of the FlashSticks team will show you how to pronounce them. Your own genie in a bottle if you will! And that’s not all. With the premium version of the app, you can also undertake a fabulous journey through those exact same flashcards, learning tons of vocabulary, all very handily classed in categories that will help your brain compartmentalise and cross-reference them. Granted, the use of pretty colours and fun games might not be to everyone’s taste, but I have yet to meet a student who cannot learn when fun is injected into the teaching process.
So learning journey and colourful sticky notes aside, there is a final aspect of the app that never ceases to amaze me, and I have been playing with that function for weeks without tiring of it. The ‘Scan an Object’ function is simply A-MA-ZING. Honestly, it’s like having a little elf or a gremlin in your phone: take a picture of an object, and after a few seconds, there pops a description of said object in French (or any of the many languages other than French you can learn with FlashSticks). It is amazingly detailed, and as such can create some grammatical problems, but hit the ‘simplify’ button, and you have a reliable translation, which you can even hear from a native speaker. Magic, I tell you.
So if you’re looking for a fun way to improve your French (other languages available, as they say!), then I can heartily recommend FlashSticks.
Right, I’m off to find other things to scan… Au revoir!

Assidus lecteurs, vous vous souviendrez sûrement que le Citron Vert à Vélo a récemment eu le plaisir de rencontrer l’équipe FlashSticks, si enthousiaste (et tous si jeunes!), au Language Show Live à Londres. En plus de rencontrer ces jeunes gens, ce fut aussi l’occasion parfaite de causer du lancement de leur nouvelle app, que j’ai eu le plaisir de tester pour eux. Alors la moindre des choses est de vous raconter ce que je pense de cette fusion entre basse et haute technologie.
Commençons avec le coin ‘basse’ technologie de l’expérience FlashSticks. L’envie de placer ces notes collantes tout partout est simplement trop forte pour y résister, comme vous pouvez le constater. Qu’elles soient bleues pour les noms masculins ou roses pour les noms féminins, ces notes vous aident à jongler avec cet aspect le plus bizarre de la langue française en vous aidant à vous souvenir du genre des choses, et les notes vertes pour les verbes et adjectifs sont bien utiles aussi!
Mais passons aux merveilles de la technologie. Téléchargez FlashSticks sur votre téléphone et MAGIQUE! Ces notes prennent vie: faites flotter votre portable au-dessus de l’une d’elles et un membre de l’équipe vous montrera comment la prononcer. Votre propre génie dans la bouteille, en quelque sorte! Et ça n’est pas tout. Avec la version premium de cette app, vous pouvez aussi partir en voyage à travers ces mêmes notes, en apprenant des tonnes de vocabulaire, classé de façon très pratique en catégories pour aider votre cerveau avec le compartimentage et les références croisées. Je vous l’accorde, les jolies couleurs et les jeux amusants ne sont pas au goût de tout le monde, mais je n’ai jamais rencontré un étudiant qui n’apprend rien quand on injecte un peu de facétie dans l’art d’enseigner.
Alors jeux et notes collantes à part, il y a un dernier aspect de cette app qui ne cesse de m’épater, et voilà des semaines que je l’utilise sans m’en lasser. La fonction ‘Scanner un Objet’ est simplement IN-CROY-ABLE. Honnêtement, c’est comme si vous aviez un elfe ou un gremlin dans votre téléphone: prenez un objet en photo et après quelques secondes, voilà la description du dit-objet en français (ou tout autre des langues que vous pouvez apprendre avec FlashSticks). C’est tellement détailé que cela pose parfois quelques problèmes grammaticaux, mais choisissez de ‘Simplifier’, et vous obtiendrez une traduction à laquelle vous pouvez vous fier, et vous pouvez même l’entendre de la bouche d’un Français ou d’une Française pur beurre. Magique, je vous le dis.
Alors si vous cherchez un bon moyen d’améliorer votre français (autres langues disponibles, comme on dit souvent!), je vous conseille vivement FlashSticks.
Bon allez, je retourne chercher d’autres trucs à scanner… Bye bye!

07 Oct

Another guest!

Dear friends and readers, we have another guest on the blog. I asked the very clever, über tech-savvy and all-round fab man that is Rob to tell us about his experiences as a language learner, and after you read his wonderful piece, you will want to watch his vlog or contact him on Twitter… Here he is :


Being asked to write a blog as a non-blogger is a little difficult. Yes I create video content but it’s mainly an escape from my bad spelling and punctuation, plus it also enables me to ramble. The written word is something I have always loved but never been too eloquent with.

So enough of the excuses, I suppose I should get down to my story. Who am I? Well my name is Rob, and I am a self confessed language learner. I have been learning French now for over 2 years and although I am not yet to a level that I could call fluent, I am quietly confident that if dropped into the middle of a French speaking nation I could make myself understood.

My love of language started as a small child, one of my first memories of being fascinated with language was sitting in the Happy Eater (a very cheap 80s restaurant in the UK) and pretending to speak in a foreign tongue. This is something that carried through my childhood and I remember loving to listen to languages I couldn’t understand although I didn’t really know why.

Then I started high school at 12, and started having German lessons. Unfortunately this is where my story takes a dive, as because of low self image and lack of self belief, I thought, and had been told, that I was pretty bad at English, and so when difficulty hit I was never one to push through. I just gave up.

Now my English was always on the low side, the education system at that time in the UK taught nothing of basic grammar and then when grammar was discussed in English it was something I always thought was well over my head.

This all worked against me when it came to learning German! When you are taught a language, things have to be explained and those things are normally explained via grammar terms. So I fell right back into the black hole of “I don’t understand because I am stupid”. Truly believing I would never understand I started to flounder and unfortunately I missed out on a great opportunity to learn German.

So what happened? What changed? Well I grew up. I realised the things I believed about myself were not true and, because I am actually quite a logical person I reasoned that I could actually do it and would like to… So after a few dips into other things like BSL, Greek and Hebrew I finally took up the challenge of French.

Other than being able to count to 10, I had no knowledge really of French, but I started out on the intrepid adventure! 2 years later I have learned more than French, not only did I get a stronger base in the dreaded grammar, I actually found that it was one of the most fascinating things about the language learning process.

So what are my reasons for learning? If you follow anyone with an interest in language learning or someone who has learnt one or more languages, they will tell you that motivation and persistence is what makes your language learning successful, and I would have to agree. My motivation started as the dislike of the apathy for language that most English speakers have. There is a very big case of “well, the world speaks English, so why should I learn x”. This ignorance really saddens me and so what’s the best way to do something about that? Well it’s to do something about it yourself.

After that initial feeling, I love learning about cultures, I love the fun of idioms and grammar. I love food, I also love realising why people who have learnt English sometimes say things in what seems to be a strange way. Using one’s own grammar structures in a new language always brings a smile to my face and really shows how the brain is hardwired in its native tongue.

Language learning is part of my soul now, I have big plans to learn as many as I can for as long as I can – I’m not looking to become the best polyglot on the planet, but I am looking to grow in knowledge and understanding of people and cultures and to hopefully inspire people into learning new languages by showing them that if I can do it, anyone can.

We live in a vastly colourful world of expression, through our advanced tool of language. And what an amazing place to explore!

25 Feb

Mistakes galore

I started learning English in secondary school, aged 11. During those first four years, my teacher was Madame Janszack (I hope this is the correct spelling), and wonderful she was, too. We all remember at least one teacher for how good they were, on any level, and for me, Madame J is that teacher. She taught me how to learn a foreign language, and I am still following her teachings thirty years on.

I remember her lessons very vividly, perhaps because hers were the only ones where I gave any teacher my undivided attention (the span of which is one of a gnat), but mainly because her teaching style matched the way I like to learn. As a pure product of the French education system, I was taught French grammar, syntax and orthography properly, and that was also the way I was taught English. I may still get a few things wrong thirty years on, and I am still learning (do you ever truly stop?), but some of the mistakes people make in English I find deeply irritating…

One of them is the use of ‘of’ instead of ‘have’, as in “he must of made a mistake”, comparable to fingernails on a blackboard. Another is the current predilection, in both languages, for using a comparative adjective when an adverb is needed, as in “She could have done it quicker.” Why that annoys and vexes me, I do not know, but it does. And it does so deeply, to the point of correcting people on the telly. So, because of my love of correct grammar, I do hope you do not find anything that annoys and vexes you in what you have just read…



J’ai commencé à apprendre l’anglais au collège, à l’âge de onze ans. Pendant ces quatre premières années, ma prof était Madame Janszack (j’espère avoir la bonne orthographe), et elle était une super prof. On s’en souvient tous d’au moins un, parce qu’ils étaient tout aussi super, à n’importe quel niveau, et celle dont je me souviens, c’est Madame J. Elle m’a enseigné comment apprendre un langue étrangère, et trente ans après, je suis toujours ses préceptes.

Je me souviens de ses leçons comme si j’y étais, peut-être parce qu’elles étaient les seules pendant lesquelles je donnais à mon prof toute mon attention (et je n’en ai pas beaucoup), mais surtout parce que son style correspondait à ma façon d’apprendre. Etant un pur produit du système éducatif français, j’ai appris la grammaire, la syntaxe et l’orthographe françaises comme il se doit, et c’est la même chose avec l’anglais. Après trente ans, je fais peut-être encore des fautes, et j’apprends tous les jours (est-ce qu’on arrête vraiment d’apprendre?), mais certaines fautes que les gens font m’agacent vraiment…

Comme quand on utilise ‘of’ au lieu de ‘have’: “He must of made a mistake”, que je compare au bruit des ongles qui grincent sur le tableau noir. Une autre faute qui m’énerve vraiment en ce moment, dans les deux langues, c’est l’utilisation d’un comparatif quand un adverbe fait l’affaire, comme dans le désormais célèbre “L’homme le plus vite du monde”. Quant à savoir pourquoi cela m’énerve tellement, je ne sais pas, mais je vous assure que ça me rend dingue. Et pas qu’un peu, au point d’engueuler les gens à la télé. Alors, à cause de mon amour pour la grammaire, j’espère que vous ne trouverez rien qui vous énerve ou vous rende dingue dans ce que vous venez de lire…